Monday, May 08, 2006

Talking of Recycling...

The new Target store plastic bags have this printed on the side:


Tiny Trashcan Liner
Doggy Duty
Water Balloon
Roadtrip Rubbish
Soggy Laundry
Ice Pack for Head Lump
Toiletry Tote
Kitty Litter Liner
Tomorrow’s Lunchbag
Care Package Padding

Very innovative, very witty. But wait, you haven't seen nothing yet! I returned some clothes (still in the Target bag) to a Target store recently, and saw their cleverest way to reuse the bags, which they don't advertise in the above list: Use them to pad your trashcan liner, so that your fragile trash doesn't get broken. Okay, that wasn't a very clever way to recycle the bags. But that's what the Target personnel did: dump the returned bag, with the reuse instructions on it and all, into the trash. It was funny in a sad way.

Still, it's nice that they suggest that we their customers care about the environment, even if they don't.

Here's helpful hint #11 from me, to reuse a Target bag.

#11: Don't use it in the first place. When you buy a piece of chewing gum and the checkout person is bagging it for you, just say no!


Blogger Twisted DNA said...

Good one. I am guessing you live in California :) For some reason all people who are concerned about recycling live in CA.

It makes me mad when I see people not recycling. I have seen people dumping cans in regular trash when there is a HUGE sign that says "Dump cans here" on the recycle bin right next to it. Oh yes, we live in CA :)

11:16 AM  

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